The gift of serendipity has brought you here today! Trust the universe has heard your request and that here, at Sarah Tricker Alchemy, we can solve your perplexities. Stay a while and explore the perfect solution that is waiting just for you!

The gift of serendipity has brought you here today! Trust the universe has heard your request and that here, at Sarah Tricker Alchemy, we can solve your perplexities. Stay a while and explore the perfect solution that is waiting just for you!


The Wheel of the Womban


Represents the season of spring and the Moon is waxing. She is the balance between purity and the journey flowering into  wombanhood.


Represents the season of summer and her Moon is full. Whole in pregnancy walking her rite of passage into motherhood.


Represents Autumn, her Moon is now waning. She steps into her power reaping reward for her life's hard work and efforts.


Represents Winter and her Moon new again. She is in the time between ending and beginnings with an accumulation of wisdom.

Hey! I am Sarah Tricker!


It has taken me a long time to fully trust the divine plan that I had chosen for this life. That I am destined to do the work to heal and guide others. Although, I had always been walking the path, it did not really begin to take shape until I moved to Canada. Here I started my education degree at the University of Lethbridge. This ignited my thirst for knowledge.

Many people may not see how an education degree and experience as a high school teacher would help me as a soulpreneur. When I left teaching in 2016, it wasn’t fully clear to me either. I have been in search of wisdom which led me to connect with my familial gift as a Medium, leading me into; Reiki, Life Coaching, Yoga Teacher Training, Spirit Baby Communication, Birth Doula, and the sacred Cacao Ceremonies. The more knowledge I gain the more pieces of the puzzle come together. This is how as a teacher, I can bring all aspects collectively into an easy to digest way for my clients to learn and grow.

Here at Sarah Tricker Alchemy, we are looking for those who are ready to start their journey of healing and learning. There is a gap in our world where both men and women have become disconnected with their divine. I believe, the union back to the masculine and feminine divine, is the key to the balance of our earth once again. For those who are ready to invest in themselves, with the desire to connect to their divine, we are here for you. As you reconnect with all facets of yourself, you will truly see that you can get what you want, instead of accepting what comes your way!

I have walked the path myself and truly live what I teach. I guarantee, if you implement my teachings, that you too can create your life by design. If this is what you are searching for trust you have be guided to the right place.




Get what you want instead of accepting what comes your way!





Draw upon the philosophy of Yoga; the mind, body, and spirit are all one and cannot be separated. Deepen your relationship through creation of union, enrichment, and interconnection.


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A mage to guide you through this sacred rite of passage from maiden into motherhood. Drawing upon wisdom and healing for every eventuality that can occur before, during, and after birth.






Expand the union between your spiritual insight and universal lessons destined for you. Comprehending discernment of the mundane far-reaching beyond the truth of your life path.

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Explore, with the guidance of spirit, what is creating blocks within your life to bring clarity in how to move forward in your current situation. Allowing space for the universe to speak clearly.


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Connect with your own inner wisdom. With an open heart and open mind discover the ancient tools that truly unite mind and soul. Step into each moment of your life with complete clarity.

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Empower yourself with knowledge! Learn from the mysteries of the esoteric to create tools of resilience. Living from a heart centered space allows you to establish conscious living.


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What clients are saying about Sarah Tricker Alchemy....

Donna Brown

“I have worked with others and NEVER had the experience I had with Sarah, she’s been here with me since my new life journey has begun! The universe works in amazing ways! I highly recommended!!”









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