Locrina Coven


When we join our abilities together we can expand the threshold of our journey that is tethered between the earth and spirit worlds!

Witchcraft influenced through sorcery or magic, perceived as evil, has shifted into spiritual observance in our modern world. Womban claiming their birthright as teachers, healers, midwives, and portals between the worlds.

Womban are not here to bewitch or control their environment. The sacredness of our craft is to honour the cycles of our earth and all the beings, physical and non-physical, dimensionally.


Our world has changed, and the connection to our magic was stripped away. Today it is time, to step into what has been passed down through you, from womb to womb!

There is no other explanation for you being here today other than fate!

  • You are searching for knowledge
  • You are experiencing an awakening
  • You are wanting to find likeminded people
  • You have been searching for a sacred routine
  • You are seeking a guide to help you carve a clear path
  • You want to find a trusted mentor who has already walked the path

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

You no longer have to walk this path alone!

What is a Coven?

In its basic form, a coven is a group in which practitioners with the same beliefs come together for Rituals of the Moon or the eight Sabbats. It is run by a third degree High Priestess and/or High Priest, and is a safe place to learn the craft under someone who is experienced.

With Witchcraft becoming trendy in today's climate, many people who purchase books and learn for themselves will use what is known as low magic; where they use magic to manifest what is real and tangible. A coven however, will teach you high magic where you learn how to connect to other realms and entities in a safe environment.


Locrina’s Coven

This invitation if you choose to accept….

Embrace the deep wisdom weaved in your DNA through; healing the womb, connecting with your unique gifts, and walking the sacred footsteps of your ancestors!

Through the Locrina Coven you will truly unite to your soul’s wisdom.

You’ll learn;

  • Embrace the wisdom that lies deep within you!
  • Expand your own unique gifts with the support you desire!
  • Adopt trust in a sacred Coven who are committed to their spiritual path!

What’s included in the Locrina Coven.....

Hybrid Connection

The Locrina Coven is now hybrid. From its conception in 2019, and the vast changes that have swept the world since, we have transformed into a global village. No matter where you are in our world, you are a welcome part of our Coven. We meet every New & Full Moon via the Sarah Tricker Alchemy Community, online. Our group becomes hybrid during the eight Sabbats. Everyone is invited to join in person yet, our sphere is large, and we welcome some through virtual space to complete our circle.

Year One ~ Witch Seeker

The first year you will complete the Witch Seekers Passage Mentorship Program through Sarah Tricker Alchemy Academy. This will prepare you in all areas of low magic. The journey of the Seeker you will work upon your shadow side, and depending on your investment; learn the skills of the Tarot, and complete your Mediumship training. You will be a member of the Coven, joining us for the lunar cycles and the Sabbats, observing how Initiates and above contribute to the Coven.

Year Two ~ Initiate

After One Year & One Day: If you have completed all aspects of the Witch Seekers Passage, and feel you are suited to the Coven, you will be initiated. As the apprentice, you will embracing the lunar cycles and the turning of the Wheel. Becoming one, with ritual being a part of daily life.

Year Three ~ Necrosis

After One Year & One Day: Death of the Ego, you will start to use voice in tune with symbolism on your journey. Carrying your role as a responsibility. Beginning to teach more within the Coven. Your specialty will be fine-tuned. You may choose to start another specialty such as leading a group project. 

Year Four ~ Elder

After One Year & One Day: For those who do not wish to become High Priestess/Priest. Instead becoming a Mother/Father figure, as an overall advisor for the Coven. Including, and never limited to; mentorship, leadership, mediator for debriefings, mediations, and healing circle. Sharing one’s own wisdom in journey in the craft.

Year Five ~ Priest/Priestess

After One Year & One Day: The path to High Priestess/Priest. You want to create your own Coven! Begin by learning leadership skills within our coven, summon spirits, lead rituals, & circles. Carry the Locrina Coven teachings to another community, expanding our vision of the balance of the masculine and feminine energies throughout our world.


Gain full access to a robust community platform through Sarah Tricker Alchemy. We believe in confidentiality and therefore do not use any outside platforms. You will access all of your sacred teachings, live sessions, and connection with members in one space. Here you will be able to embrace the community for all aspects of your spiritual journey.

This is for you if…..

  • You are open minded and want to learn!
  • You are committed to embracing your inner Witch!
  • You are in search of your tribe for collaboration in your journey!
  • You truly want to align using ancient tools with a modern twist!

I’m Sarah Tricker

My mother tells of how I used to play in our garden with the Fae. I have many memories of these magical times, and also some that were scary. Without the ability to control spirits visits with me. It is true when you hear others say that you are always a Witch. The path you walk is acceptance of that!

You may not know that womban are unique in how our ancestors pass wisdom through the bloodline. When your mother was in her mothers womb, so were you! This weaves a magic thread through your familial side. Something you cannot escape. Deep within you there is all the wisdom from your foremothers, and also all of their trauma.

I am sure if you have taken a little time to look through my website you have a little understanding of my journey. Stepping into the path as High Priestess came with much trepidation. Who do I think I am to be good enough? What formal training do I have? What will the reactions be from the community I live in? Spirit was hounding me for quite a while before I took the leap.

Guess what? There was no lash back! In fact, when I first launched I had 19 womban step forward. Although, not all of them walked the path fully with me, they did step into their path. The creation of Witch Seekers Passage and The Locrina Coven has brought many lessons to me. Some have been painful, heartbreaking, and some have been the most joyous moments. As a Coven we have learnt that over time, people will come and go, and yet there is a solid core.

It changes your life to join a Coven. Not only in your learning, more so in your view of the world. When you follow the cycles of the earth, the stars, and your place in it, everything changes. Add into this sweet pot, a group of beautiful souls who are there as you walk the path, a calmness will sweep over your life.


Locrina Coven Sacred Offerings

Lunar Temple


This invitation if you choose to accept.....

Connect with the deep feminine wisdom of grandmother Moon. Through lunar rituals: honour the lunar cycle, embracing her lessons, & weave her wisdom throughout your life!

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Witch Seekers Passage


This invitation if you choose to accept.....

Four Lunar Phases to Magic! Discover your authentic Witch confidently embracing the craft. Welcome the Triple Goddess, Horned God, Lunar cycles & the Turning of the Wheel creating balance. 

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High Priestess Descry


This invitation if you choose to accept.....

Accept true feminine power of magic amerced in the subconscious encompassing; rituals, rites of passage, while disentangling threads of the past!

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Discovery Session


This invitation if you choose to accept.....

Connect personally with Sarah when you are ready to invest in your personal growth to make sure you choose the right program for you!

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