Boutique of Sacred Offerings
Sarah Tricker Alchemy Community

Lunar Temple
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Connect with the deep feminine wisdom of grandmother Moon. Through lunar rituals: honour the lunar cycle, embracing her lessons, & weave her wisdom throughout your life.
Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Guidance
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Come with an open heart and open mind; allow the death of the ego, fully surrendering to the divine truth, becoming spiritually enlightened through seeing into the unseen!

Akashik Rewriting
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Shift the trauma of your soul through discovery and healing of past lives engaging the Akashik records. Confidently creating success as you recognize you at a soul level!

High Priestess Descry
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Accept true feminine power of magic amerced in the subconscious encompassing; rituals, rites of passage, while disentangling threads of the past!
Sarah’s Studio Yoga

Sarah's Virtual Yoga Studio
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Take back your body and mind confidence using the eight limbed path of yoga; sacrificing the ego and walking the path of enlightenment creating self-confidence!

Nourished Pregnancy Yoga
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Connect to your inner knowing! Through the five pillars of pregnancy; receive the gift of empowering yourself towards harmonious balance, strength, and intuition.

Baby & Me Yoga
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Learn to love the new you! Through the five pillars of postpartum; bring balance and strength to your new body, creating a bond with baby through movement.
Doula Services

Spirit Baby Communication
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Connect with your spirit babies, aligning with your higher purpose! Clearing the path for your future legacy through; conscious creation, healing your blood lines, and karmic loops.

Fertility Doula
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Walk the sacred path of preconception with Sarah through; healing karmic wounds, connecting your spirit and physical body, using sacred sequencing of daily rituals!

Birth Doula
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Invite Sarah to guide you through the sacred rites of pregnancy and birth! Weaving tender love and support as you are held through the transition from maiden in to mother.

Postpartum Doula
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Invite Sarah into your sacred portal of postpartum! Mothering the mother through the first forty days. Cradling your new family unit as you navigate the sacred shift your baby weaves.
Spiritual Life Coaching

Accelerated Growth Expansion
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Become the agent of change with commitment to life by; breaking through the Witch Wound, seizing opportunities that are your birthright, and creating your life by design.

Inner Wisdom Exploration
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Discover how to create your new story by; removing all limiting beliefs, think and dream big, trusting your intuition knowing that you hold all the answers inside!

Soul Convergence Actuation
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Clear all blocks for complete alignment of mind, body, and soul to attain precision prosperity in your life! An elite one on one program with Sarah as your personal guide.

Tricker Tarot Academy
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Walk the path of enlightenment with the use of the Tarot! Receive the ability to align the mind and the soul, create your own unique way, embracing the magic of insight.Â

Mediumship Academy
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Bridge the gap between the earth plane and the spirit world! Understand the messages given by your guides, see the wealth of knowledge available to you, and decipher your souls wisdom.

Reiki Academy
This invitation if you chose to accept..Â
Learn the ancient Japanese healing system of Reiki! Healing yourself and others holistically; with the use of hands on healing, Reiki symbols, breaking the barriers of time and space.

Animal Reiki Academy
This invitation if you chose to accept..Â
Step into your life purpose as an animal healer by; commitment to helping animals and their human companions always mediating animals healing needs!
Signature Programs

Soul Searching Womban
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Four Lunar Phases to Body & Soul Connection! Celebrate your wombanhood and feminine divine. Learn to love the vessel your soul chose in this lifetime healing misalignment of body and soul.Â

Womban Healers Energized in Business
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Four Lunar Phases to Soulpreneurship! Take the leap of faith and launch your own business. Learn how to use your life experience creating a way you can boldly help others.

Self-Actualization Evolution
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Four Lunar Phases striding into your life coaching practice. Embrace your personal wisdom guiding others with ease; using the proven process of transmutation!

Witch Seekers Passage
This invitation if you chose to accept…
Four Lunar Phases to Magic! Discover your authentic Witch confidently embracing the craft. Welcome the Triple Goddess, Horned God, Lunar cycles & the Turning of the Wheel creating balance.Â