There have been many twists and turns in Sarah’s life to bring her to the place of being on task in her soul purpose. From a young age Sarah hid from her gift. Yet it was always there in the background. 

After becoming a mother Sarah’s life focus shifted as she raised her family. She was supporting her husband as he found his own life purpose. Being busy with young children took the focus of her gift and gave Sarah some breathing space.

As her children grew the calling once again began to get louder. After their move to Canada Sarah began to focus more on her own career. She successfully completed her education degree and began the path of teaching in high school. But somehow this was not fulfilling her soul as she expected.

After a personal development weekend retreat Sarah’s vision was becoming clearer. She left teaching only one year after starting her first business Tricker Tarot. It did not take long for the transformation to begin. Now creating an Academy and Signature Programs to help propel women into authenticity!



It may appear to others looking in from the outside that the journey to this point has been effortless. Sarah is constantly shifting which is a part of who she is. Birth, death, and transformation. Is this process easy? NO! However, it is necessary for the achievement of one’s dreams! 

The closing of her storefront in 2020 was one of the hardest journeys of healing Sarah has gone on thus far. Over three years she had gradually worked her way up to the last store and her dream of a Harry Potter School. January 2020 that all came crashing down. 

Sarah is a strong believer in the ethos that the universe has your back. What she thought her dream was, actually wasn’t. She is eternally grateful to the women who came to her as conduits of the universe to shift her out of where she was, to where she needed to be. The whole world slowed down for a couple of years and Sarah used this time to transform herself, and her business, into something new; something more aligned with her soul purpose. 

In her journey from Tarot reader, Medium, Reiki Master, Life Coach, Yoga Instructor, full spectrum Birth Doula, and teacher Sarah met and guided some amazing women. What has come to the fore over her healing journey is that each of these are only pieces of her. It is time to fully commit to bringing all elements together. Stepping into your journey with Sarah trust your experience will be holistic leaving you feeling whole again.

Get what you want instead of accepting what comes your way!

How to get started together.....





Draw upon the philosophy of Yoga; the mind, body, and spirit are all one and cannot be separated. Deepen your relationship through creation of union, enrichment, and interconnection.







A sage to guide you through this sacred rite of passage from maiden into motherhood. Drawing upon wisdom and healing for every eventuality that can occur before, during, and after birth.






Expand the union between your spiritual insight and universal lessons destined for you. Comprehending discernment of the mundane far-reaching beyond the truth of your life path.






Explore, with the guidance of spirit, what is creating blocks within your life to bring clarity in how to move forward in your current situation. Allowing space for the universe to speak clearly.








Connect with your own inner wisdom. With an open heart and open mind discover the ancient tools that truly unite mind and soul. Step into each moment of your life with complete clarity.







Empower yourself with knowledge! Learn from the mysteries of the esoteric to create tools of resilience. Living from a heart centered space allows you to establish conscious living.



What clients are saying about Sarah Tricker Alchemy....

Wendall Three Persons

“It's hard to pick one biggest lesson from spiritual coaching, as it was all that we worked on. At one point we both closed our eyes and I actually went into a different dimension, this has stuck with me the most. Well, my future has changed, it’s slowly going as planned, not trying to rush my self, and do it properly! I choose Sarah, as my Wife told me a lot of good things about Sarah Tricker Alchemy! I also had a lot of good experiences with Sarah through out my visits. Everything is all falling into place of what we worked on. I would recommend Sarah to anyone who needs the guidance and help, she’s good at all she does for people!”

James Childs

“I am new to the art of Reiki and had my first appointment with Sarah, she made the experience very comfortable by walking me through what Reiki is, and how it works. Sarah is a very friendly and knowledgeable person, who is well connected with her surroundings. And that if you are looking into alchemy for the first time, I would definitely suggest talking with Sarah, because she definitely knows her stuff.”

Roseanne deBeaudrap

“Wow! Sarah was Right Spot On! I was needing direction in some areas of my life. That was 2 months ago. Things are miraculously turning out as she had seen in the cards and intuitively told me they would. I highly recommend Sarah for anyone wanting some reassurance and guidance going forward. She has given me clarity and reassurance.”

Jennifer LaFromboise-Wagner

“Today I had a session to converse with my loved ones. Great messages to help me to move forward with my skills and purpose here on Earth. The session was tough for me, Sarah has a great way of walking people through tough sessions. I appreciate the comfort level she provides. Thank you!”


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