The Veil is Thinning!
It is one of my favourite times of the year ~ Halloween. Although, when I was a child, I was never allowed to go trick or treating. In England it was not as commercialized as it was in America. My father was also a police officer which at times meant we were not allowed to participate in some of the events other children were.
This time of year, always seems so magical with the turning of the wheel the leaves also turn magnetic colours. The smell of fall and beginning to get out the cozy clothing and spend more time huddled inside for warmth.
I believe as I am a Scorpio too that it feels comfortable for me to spend time inside alone. Today I am most happy at home by a roaring fire with a nice cup of coffee and a good book that I am engulfed in. It is more acceptable for people to stay in during these months so I don’t have to feel guilty!
As we know Halloween has become very commercialized now but the true meaning of Samhain (sew-wen) is the turning of the wheel. There are eight Sabbats in total throughout the year each representing a season or mid season. October is where you finish harvesting the last of your crops ready for the winter. Everyone celebrated by giving thanks and having a great gathering. Foods would be shared with the freshly harvested vegetables with a freshly sacrificed animal for thanks of meat. Homes would be decorated with pumpkins and golden leaves.
This Sabbat is also known as the Witches New Year as this is a time of year for reflection. As we hibernate during the winter we are thinking of the achievements of the past and are making new goals for the year ahead!
What also comes about from spending more time in the dark shadows with the dimly lit candle light and glow of the wood fire is the ability to see through the veil between the Earth Plane and the other world Summerland.
For those of us who are connected to the spirit realms it is easier to peek into the other worlds and channel messages from those who have passed. On the night of the 31st October during dinner people will lay an extra plate for those who are no longer on this Earth Plane with us and light a white candle to leave in the window to guide them home.
This is a time rich in stories of our ancestors that walked a path so we could today walk ours! The reason we dress up at Halloween was from previous years gone by when people believed the dead walked amongst us on hallows eve so dressed up to trick them so they could not find those who were still alive. The pumpkins were originally turnips used by the Irish in the same manner as to scare off the spirits who roamed the night!
There is nothing to be scared of! Our loved ones draw close for a few reasons. The first being that they want you to know that they are safe and happy in the Summerland. It is also meant as comfort for you to know that you are never alone here on the Earth Plane that you are surrounded by your loved ones as they are guiding you on your journey.
Do you trust that your guides have brought you here and now?
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