3 easy monthly payments of $1,039


Inner Wisdom Exploration

Yes, I trust the universe has brought me here so I can explore my own inner wisdom with Sarah and my tribe!

What you'll get:

    Alignment of mind, body, and soul
    Connection to a supportive community
    Lifetime access to a proven system created by Sarah Tricker

What People Are Saying:

I have worked with Sarah for two years in her Life Coaching program. When I first met Sarah I was at a low point in my life - feeling stuck, unhappy, low self-esteem and anxious about life. Through this program I have gained many skills and changed many unhealthy habits - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I am now living a life of abundance, gratitude and am much happier. When counselling didn’t seem to help, Sarah was able to provide guidance. When doctors were not able to diagnose stomach issues, Sarah was able to use Reiki to heal them. Some of the achievements over the past few years include winning hoop dance contests, a work promotion, receiving an award for leadership in education, and speaking at Yale University, without the guidance and tools gained through life coaching I don’t know if I could have done all of this!

Sandra Lamouche